About Us
Welcome to Stepps & District Community Council which represents a population of over 8000 residents across Stepps, Steppshill, Cardowan, Craigendmuir, Crowwood Grange, Coshneuk, Millerston and Frankfield Loch. The council's role is to ascertain, coordinate and represent the views and concerns of local residents to relevant stakeholders, namely, North Lanarkshire Council, the Scottish Government and its agencies.

Our meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month with a summer recess over July and August. Meetings commence at 7.30pm and the usual venue is Stepps Cultural Centre, St Andrew's Way, Stepps.
Local residents are welcome to attend.
Places are available on the council for co-opted members. Contact the secretary for more information.

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
William James